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Águeda has it monumental wealth and be proud of it . The Parochial church, product of some reconstructions, keeps a set of elements and a unique parts that already had been object of work of some estudiosos. Among the other oldest ones, we cite the Dr. Nogueira Gonçalves and one of its párocos, António Carvalhais; this not only looked for to remodel the temple as sacra of the church organized the art museum, making to correspond to its  photographically project a beauty opúscule registered well, on the Church of Saint Eulália, patron saint of custumer.The temple has a pleasant façade to the sight that keeps, to the center in the niche, the modern sculpture that is rejoinder of the padron saint; in the inward the picture of century XV exists.

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Façade of the Church of Saint Eulália of Águeda

       intig.jpg (156879 bytes)   altar.jpg (71688 bytes)                                High altar of the Church                                    Retable of the Souls of the Purgatory

sacr.jpg (94758 bytes)       intgig.jpg (130393 bytes)                              Retable of the Most Holy Sacrament                       General picture of the inward                       


Also in the custumers of the council of Águeda it can visit some churches and chapels of great interest for its sculptures, paintings, cuts, etc.


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      Pictures of the Church's roof                                                Retable of the High Capel of the                                                                                                                     Church                                                                                                                         

Aguada de Baixo

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Aguada de Cima

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           High Capel of the Church with it retable      Pulpit of the Church      Image of Saint Luzia Sec. XV

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